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Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Activities in Lao PDR
Government Hand Over Ceremony
In a significant move to enhance the capabilities of the Anti-Money Laundering Intelligence Office (AMLIO), a ceremony was held to hand over information technology and equipment to the agency. The donated equipment included computers, tablets, and printers, aimed at improving AMLIO’s IT infrastructure.
Key Participants
- US Embassy
- AMLIO representatives
Study Visit and Sharing Experience
In September 2018, an official visit was made by AMLIO delegation to the Cambodian Financial Intelligence Units (CAFIU) with the purpose of sharing experience on AML/CFT IT development and infrastructure.
Key Outcomes
- Enhanced understanding of AML/CFT best practices
- Opportunities for collaboration between Lao PDR and Cambodia in AML/CFT efforts
Training Course
A training course was held in Moscow, Russia Federation from August 28-30, 2018, focusing on “Upgrading Qualification of National AML/CFT system’s experts”. Delegates from various line-ministries attended the training, including AMLIO, the Office of the Supreme People’s Prosecutor, the Supreme People’s Court, and Ministry of Public Security.
Key Participants
- Office of the Supreme People’s Prosecutor
- Supreme People’s Court
- Ministry of Public Security
- Other line-ministries
Investigative Technique Workshop
An investigative technique workshop was held in Champasack Province from June 18-20, 2018, focusing on prosecuting money laundering and financing of terrorism. Representatives from AMLIO, INL, and DIILS attended the workshop.
Key Outcomes
- Enhanced knowledge and skills in investigating and prosecuting money laundering and financing of terrorism
- Opportunities for collaboration between Lao PDR and international partners in AML/CFT efforts
National Risk Assessment (NRA) Committee Meeting
An ad-hoc committee meeting was held on April 30, 2018 to evaluate the current NRA implementation. The meeting was chaired by Maj. Gen Kongthong Phongvichit, Deputy Minister of Public Security, and attended by a committee’s member including head of each NRA module and the secretariats of NRA.
National Coordination Committee
The 3rd Ordinary Session of the National Coordination Committee on AML/CFT was conducted on October 2, 2017. The session was chaired by H.E. Somdy Duangdy, Finance Minister, and attended by members of NCC, officials from line Ministries, and AMLIO.
Key Outcomes
- Enhanced coordination and collaboration among stakeholders in AML/CFT efforts
- Opportunities for sharing best practices and experiences in AML/CFT implementation