Financial Crime World

Fraud Detection Methods in Latvia: A Country on the Move Towards Compliance


Latvia, a country of 1.9 million residents located in Northern Europe, has made significant strides in strengthening its anti-money laundering (AML) framework and combating fraud. With a GDP per capita of $17,726 in 2020, according to World Bank data, Latvia’s economy is growing steadily.

Challenges and Threats

However, the country still faces challenges in eradicating corruption and illicit activities. The government estimates that the untaxed shadow economy accounts for approximately 25% of the overall economy, with tax evasion and organized criminal activities being primary sources of laundered money.

  • Key Threats:
    • Tax evasion
    • Organized crime
    • Smuggling (cigarettes, alcohol, gasoline)

Regulatory Efforts

To combat these issues, Latvian regulatory agencies are actively monitoring financial transactions to spot potential instances of terrorism financing. The country’s framework for preventing money laundering and terrorism financing has been strengthened in recent years.

  • Recommendations:
    • Targeted financial sanctions related to proliferation
    • Customer due diligence
    • Regulation and supervision of financial institutions

Progress and Compliance

As a result of these efforts, Latvia’s FATF status has improved significantly. The country is currently deemed “compliant” with 40 out of the 40 FATF Recommendations.

  • Current Status:
    • Compliant with 7 recommendations
    • Largely compliant with 33 recommendations

Continuing Challenges and Future Directions

Despite these encouraging developments, MONEYVAL has chosen to maintain Latvia’s enhanced follow-up status, requiring the nation to continue providing updates on its progress.

  • Next Steps:
    • Continued regulatory efforts
    • Ongoing monitoring of financial transactions

Supporting Financial Institutions in AML Compliance

To support financial institutions in Latvia in their AML compliance efforts, Sanction Scanner offers advanced options designed specifically for the country’s unique AML environment. Our tools enable businesses to efficiently fulfill their AML obligations while gaining invaluable knowledge about the nation’s changing AML landscape.

  • Benefits:
    • Efficient AML compliance
    • Valuable insights into Latvia’s AML landscape