Financial Crime World

Financial Fraud on the Rise in Lesotho: Revenue Services Cracks Down on Illegal Activities

The Revenue Services Lesotho is urging taxpayers to pay their dues honestly and without attempting to evade taxes, as financial fraud has been on the rise in the country.

The Problem of Tax Fraud

While most taxpayers are honest and pay their fair share, there are individuals and businesses that engage in financial fraud to avoid paying what they owe. This illegal activity not only threatens the country’s economy but also hampers government efforts to provide essential services to its citizens.

Common Types of Tax Fraud

According to Revenue Services Lesotho, some common types of tax fraud include:

  • Intentionally failing to file income tax, VAT, or PAYE returns
  • Making false or fraudulent claims for tax refunds
  • Failing to maintain accurate records of income and expenses
  • Opening and closing businesses to evade taxes

Punishment and Reporting

The authority has warned that these acts are punishable by law and will not be tolerated. To combat this issue, Revenue Services Lesotho is urging the public to report any suspected tax fraud activity.

If you have information on such activities, you can submit your reports to:

Investigations and Intelligence, Revenue Services Lesotho PO BOX 1085, Finance House, Maseru 100

Commitment to Fair Administration of Tax Laws

The authority emphasizes that it is committed to protecting the country’s revenue and ensuring that taxes are paid fairly and honestly. By working together, Revenue Services Lesotho aims to put an end to financial fraud in Lesotho and promote a culture of transparency and accountability among taxpayers.

Let’s work together to combat financial fraud and build a fairer and more transparent society in Lesotho!