Financial Crime World

Luxembourg’s AML Efforts Lag Behind EMEA Peers Despite Increased Costs


A recent survey by PwC has shed light on the challenges faced by Luxembourg in its fight against financial crime, despite increased costs and efforts to improve Anti-Money Laundering (AML) effectiveness.

Challenges in Adopting New Technologies

The report reveals that only 53% of Luxembourg respondents are considering adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) compared to 81% in EMEA, highlighting the country’s reluctance to adopt new technologies. This is a concern, as AI can play a crucial role in improving AML effectiveness.

Increasing Costs

AML costs in Luxembourg have increased by 18% over the past two years, with 69% of respondents reporting an increase of at least 10%. This is higher than the 13% increase seen in the rest of EMEA. Despite these increased costs, Luxembourg’s financial institutions are not making optimal use of technology to combat financial crime.

Importance of Skilled Staff

The survey also highlighted the importance of skilled staff in fighting financial crime. 44% of Luxembourg respondents cited recruiting skilled staff as one of their biggest operational challenges. This is higher than the 24% seen in EMEA and 25% in EU respondents.

The Need for Effective AML Operations

Michael Weis, Anti-Financial Crime Leader at PwC Luxembourg, emphasized the need for effective AML operations to maintain Luxembourg’s position as a premier financial hub. “Given the intricate nature of Luxembourg’s financial landscape, specialized AML operations are essential,” he said.

Key Takeaways

  • Only 53% of Luxembourg respondents are considering adopting AI compared to 81% in EMEA.
  • AML costs in Luxembourg have increased by 18% over the past two years.
  • Recruiting skilled staff is a major operational challenge for Luxembourg financial institutions (44%).
  • Effective AML operations are essential to maintain Luxembourg’s position as a premier financial hub.


The report highlights the need for Luxembourg to streamline its operations and adopt new technologies to improve AML effectiveness. With increasing competition from other financial centers, it is essential that Luxembourg’s financial institutions prioritize AML efforts to maintain their position in the market.

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