Financial Crime World

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Risk of Terrorist Financing in Luxembourg


The report assesses the risks of terrorist financing (TF) in Luxembourg, particularly in relation to financial transactions and institutions.

Types of Terrorism Actors

  • Lone Actors and Small Terrorist Organizations: Require small financial amounts (<€10,000), mostly funded from legitimate activities.
  • Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs): Also have small financial requirements (<€10,000) and may be self-funded or recruited through networks.
  • International Terrorist Organizations and Other Terrorist Actors: Require very high financial amounts.

TF Stages in Luxembourg

  • Raising Funds: Luxembourg residents’ donations to non-profit organizations (NPOs) carrying out development and humanitarian projects abroad.
  • Moving Funds: Abusing Luxembourg’s services commensurate with their higher financial needs.

Sectoral Vulnerabilities

The report identifies the following sectors as vulnerable to TF:

  1. Traditional Banking Products
    • Offered by retail and business banking, which can be misused for cross-border transactions by lone actors, small terrorist cells, or FTFs.
  2. Private Banking
    • Due to its size, international exposure, and nature of clients (prevalence of big and potentially more sophisticated accounts).
  3. Money Transfer Businesses (MTVs)
    • Allows easy access to fast and convenient cross-border transactions, making them vulnerable to abuse by FTFs, lone actors, and small cells operating within the EU.

Key Statistics

  • In 2020, retail and business banks filed the highest number of Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs) in Luxembourg.
  • Private banking exposure to TF is driven by their size, international exposure, and nature of clients.