Financial Crime World

Mali: Civil Society Crucial in Fight Against Terrorist Financing and Proliferation of Small Arms


Insecurity and poverty have created a complex web in Mali’s northern regions, making it an ideal environment for terrorist financing and proliferation of small arms. The presence of groups like al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has turned Mali into a key battleground in the global struggle against transnational terrorism, with external assistance pouring in to combat these threats.

Local Communities Face Unique Challenges

Local communities in Mali have long struggled with unique forms of insecurity, including:

  • Armed robbery
  • Ethno-religious militias
  • Kidnapping

The proliferation of small arms and light weapons has only exacerbated these issues, fueling demand for more weapons on the black market.

Civil Society’s Critical Role in Counterterrorism Efforts

Civil society groups are crucial in addressing this crisis, but their involvement is often lacking. A new study by the Coalition Nationale de la Société pour la Paix et la Lutte contre la Proliferation des Armes Légéres (CONASCIPAL) highlights the importance of civil society in counterterrorism efforts.

Key Findings

Disconnect Between Perceptions of Local Communities and Authorities

The research reveals a stark disconnect between the perceptions of local communities and authorities, with civilians dealing with rebellions and armed banditry that the government calls terrorism. This lack of understanding has significant implications for counterterrorism policy and measures, highlighting the need for greater involvement from civil society.

Impact of Civil Society’s Limited Role

Potential Contributions to Counterterrorism Initiatives

The study profiles the impact of civil society’s limited role in counterterrorism efforts and highlights its potential to contribute to these initiatives. It also examines the perspectives of civil society groups and actors on counterterrorism policies and measures in Mali.


Terrorist financing and proliferation of small arms are critical concerns in Mali, requiring a multifaceted approach that includes the full mobilization of civil society. As the country grapples with these challenges, it is essential to engage with local communities and civil society organizations to develop effective counterterrorism strategies that address the root causes of insecurity and poverty.

By recognizing the crucial role of civil society in combating terrorism, Mali can work towards a more comprehensive approach to addressing these issues and promoting lasting peace and stability.