Malta’s Financial Services Regulation: A Hub for Investors
Malta has established itself as a premier destination for financial services, offering a wide range of products and services to cater to every investor’s need. The country’s competitive market is backed by an accessible regulator, the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), which ensures the highest levels of protection without stifling innovation.
A Comprehensive Legal Framework
The comprehensive legal framework in Malta has provisions for specialized use cases, making it an attractive option for:
- Private individuals
- Wealth managers
- Company executives
The country’s tax benefits, incentives for investment, and moderate cost base make it a hub for financial services.
A Regulatory Regime that Facilitates Innovation
Malta’s regulatory regime is crafted by receptive authorities keen to facilitate investment by constructing novel legislative frameworks. This has led to the establishment of:
- The Malta Digital Innovation Authority, which certifies Distributed Ledger Technology platforms and smart contracts while handling the voluntary registration of technology arrangements.
A Record of Success
The country’s commitment to security, progress, and exceptional service has contributed to its phenomenal success over the last three decades. Underpinning this growth is a regulatory regime that ensures the highest levels of protection without stifling innovation.
Key Statistics
- The gross value added in Malta’s financial services sector has increased by an average of 7.7% every year since 2010.
- The sector accounts for roughly 10% of Malta’s GDP and employs around 5% of its workforce.
A Hub for Innovative Financial Services
Malta’s push to establish itself at the forefront of the blockchain revolution has led to the establishment of the Malta Digital Innovation Authority, making it a hub for innovative financial services and solutions. FinTech and digital-first companies are attracted to Malta’s trailblazing regulatory outlook.
Tax Benefits
Malta-based operations can benefit from:
- One of the lowest effective tax rates in Europe
- A tax refund system for corporate shareholders
- Over 70 double taxation agreements in place with other countries, including the United States
- Unilateral tax relief for nationals of countries not covered by a specific treaty
International Access
Malta’s international access allows companies with financial products and services licensed by the MFSA to “passport” their offerings to all other EU countries, granting them access to every national market in the EU with minimal operational and bureaucratic costs.
Unique Selling Points
The country’s geographical location, native Semitic language, official use of English, Constitutional neutrality, membership of the Commonwealth and the OECD, and track record as a fair participant in international affairs and provider of aid to those in need all contribute to its unique position as a financial services hub.
A Compelling Alternative
Malta offers a compelling alternative to better-known financial centers, with its commitment to security, progress, and exceptional service making it an attractive option for investors. The country’s regulatory regime ensures the highest levels of protection without stifling innovation, making it a safe haven for wealth management and other financial services.
Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA)
The Malta Financial Services Authority is a reputable regulator that ensures the highest levels of protection without stifling innovation in Malta’s financial services sector.
Malta Digital Innovation Authority
The Malta Digital Innovation Authority certifies Distributed Ledger Technology platforms and smart contracts while handling the voluntary registration of technology arrangements, making it a hub for innovative financial services and solutions.