Financial Crime World

Mauritania’s International Cooperation in Criminal Matters


Mauritania has a system in place for extradition, governed by the Code of Criminal Procedure and various bilateral agreements.

Key Provisions

  • Provisional Arrest: Article 719 of the Code of Criminal Procedure allows for provisional arrest.
  • Nationality Exception: Mauritania does not extradite its own nationals. Instead, it applies the principle of “aut dedere aut judicare” (either extradite or prosecute).
  • Enforcement of Sentences: Sentences imposed by the requesting state can be enforced in Mauritania.

Mauritania provides mutual legal assistance on all matters referred to in the Riyadh Agreement and various domestic laws.

Key Provisions

  • Scope of Assistance: Requests for mutual legal assistance may include proceedings against legal persons.
  • Refusal of Requests: Requests may be refused if they are based on discriminatory grounds.

International Cooperation

Mauritania has signed several agreements with other countries to facilitate extradition and strengthen its effectiveness. The country is also a member of various regional networks and organizations related to judicial cooperation and asset recovery.

Key Agreements

  • Bilateral Agreements: Mauritania has signed bilateral agreements with other countries to facilitate extradition.
  • Regional Networks: The country is a member of various regional networks and organizations related to judicial cooperation and asset recovery.


Mauritania’s framework for international cooperation in criminal matters, including extradition and mutual legal assistance, suggests that the country is committed to working with other nations to combat crime. However, some aspects of these frameworks may be governed by domestic laws and bilateral agreements that are not always publicly available or up-to-date.