Moldova Takes Significant Steps to Strengthen Governance Framework and Combat Corruption
As part of a program supported by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Moldovan authorities have taken several key steps to address corruption and strengthen the country’s governance framework. These efforts aim to improve transparency, accountability, and integrity within public institutions.
Strengthening Anti-Corruption Framework
The Moldovan government has made significant progress in strengthening its anti-corruption framework:
- Establishment of a New Anticorruption Prosecutor: A commission was formed to select a new head for the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office (APO), ensuring international expertise and civil society participation.
- Transfer of Disciplinary Functions: The Supreme Council of Prosecutors (SCP) took over disciplinary functions from the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO), enhancing integrity within the prosecution service.
- Promoting Independence at APO: Non-prosecutors were allowed to apply for the position, promoting independence and reducing potential biases.
Intensifying Anti-Corruption Enforcement
To combat corruption effectively, investigations into embezzlement, illicit enrichment, and false information declarations by public officials have been intensified:
- Prioritizing High-Level Corruption: Investigations of high-level corruption cases were prioritized to ensure that those responsible are held accountable.
- Simplifying Proceedings: Simplified proceedings provisions were strengthened to limit abuse in the criminal justice framework.
Enhancing Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Measures
The Moldovan authorities have implemented measures to improve AML regulations:
- Cross-Sectoral Inspections: Thematic inspections of banks based on external audits were conducted to enhance application of preventive measures among reporting entities.
- Sanctioning Powers: The Public Services Agency (PSA) was granted sanctioning powers for non-compliance with registration requirements regarding beneficial owner information.
Enhancing Dissuasiveness of Sanctions
To improve the effectiveness of sanctions in corruption cases, a study of court practice was conducted and published to identify factors leading to lenient sanctions:
- Improving Accountability: The study aimed to increase accountability among judges and prosecutors, promoting more severe penalties for corruption-related offenses.
Prioritizing High-Level Corruption Investigations
Efforts were intensified to investigate and prosecute corruption-related money laundering in line with the risk profile, increasing the effectiveness of anti-corruption criminal justice:
- Enhancing Collaboration: Improved collaboration between law enforcement agencies and financial institutions helped to identify and disrupt corrupt networks.