Thai Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA): Categories of Predicate Offenses
The Thai Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) is a law designed to prevent and suppress money laundering activities in Thailand. The following categories of predicate offenses are considered serious crimes that can be linked to money laundering.
Categories of Predicate Offenses
1. Human Trafficking
- Procuring, seducing, or taking away a woman or child for an indecent act (sections 282 and 317-319 of the Penal Code)
- Act on Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking in Women and Children B.E. 2540 (A.D.1997) and Act on Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution B.E. 2539 (A.D. 1995) in sections 9 and 11
2. Public Fraud
- Public fraud as stipulated in sections 341 and 343 of the Penal Code
- Emergency Decree on Loans of a Public Fraud Nature B.E. 2527 (A.D. 1984)
3. Misappropriation or Fraud against Property
- Misappropriation or fraud or exertion of an act of violence against property or dishonest conduct as stipulated in:
- Act on Commercial Banking B.E. 2505 (A.D. 1962)
- Act on the Operation of Finance, Securities and Credit Fonder Business B.E. 2522 (A.D.1979)
- Act on Securities and Stock Exchange B.E. 2535 (A.D.1992)
4. Malfeasance in Office
- Malfeasance in office and judicial office as stipulated in:
- Sections 147-166 and 200-204 of the Penal Code
- Act on Offences of Officials in State Organization or Agencies B.E. 2502 (A.D. 1959)
- Organic Act on Counter Corruption B.E. 2542 (A.D. 1999)
5. Extortion and Secret Society
- Extortion committed by claiming an influence of secret society or criminal association as stipulated in section 337 of the Penal Code
6. Custom Evasion and Terrorism
- Custom evasion under the Customs Act B.E. 2476 (A.D.1923)
- Terrorism as stipulated in sections 135/1 -135/4 of the Penal Code
7. Illegal Gambling
- Illegal gambling under the Gambling Act B.E. 2478 (A.D. 1925)
The Thai Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) includes references to various laws and regulations, such as:
- The Penal Code
- Emergency Decree on Loans of a Public Fraud Nature
- Act on Commercial Banking
- Act on Securities and Stock Exchange
- Organic Act on Counter Corruption
The Thai Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) is designed to prevent and suppress money laundering activities in Thailand. The categories of predicate offenses listed above are considered serious crimes that can be linked to money laundering, and the law aims to address these issues effectively.