Financial Crime World

Mongolia: The Trailblazer in Asia-Pacific Against Financial Crimes

Mongolia has made history as the first Asian-Pacific and fifth global nation to fully comply with all 40 recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), setting a new benchmark in the fight against corruption, terrorist financing, and money laundering.

Mongolia’s Compliance with FATF Recommendations

  • Mongolia becomes the trailblazer in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Fifth nation worldwide to meet FATF’s stringent requirements
  • Unwavering stance against illicit activities
  • Established as an international leader

Progress in Adhering to FATF’s Recommendation 8

  • Mongolia advances in implementing FATF’s recommendation 8
  • Partially compliant to largely compliant
  • Responsible charitable sector
  • Increased transparency

Recognition of Mongolia’s Progress

At the recent Asia-Pacific Financial Crimes Group conference in Vancouver, Canada, Mongolia’s progress report was presented by the Deputy Minister of Justice and Domestic Affairs, B. Solongoo. The committee applauded Mongolia’s commitment, leading to acceptance of the implementation of recommendation 8.

The Role of FATF and Its Impact

  • FATF: assessment of nations and territories
  • Combatting terrorist financing, money laundering, corruption, monetary manipulation, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
  • A global benchmark for effective countermeasures against criminal activities

Acknowledgment and Praise from the Global Community

Numerous nations have acknowledged and praised Mongolia’s full compliance, viewing it as a strong indicator of a robust legal system and renewed dedication to upholding crucial regulations.

Further Reading