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Mongolia’s Banking Regulation Evolution: A Mixed Bag of Successes and Challenges

A recent evaluation report has shed light on Mongolia’s efforts to develop its financial sector, with mixed results. The Independent Evaluation Document (IED) assesses the Financial Regulation and Governance Program, which aimed to create a broad-based financial sector with alternative channels of financial intermediation in the country.


Mongolia underwent significant changes to its banking system in 1991, transitioning from a monobanking system to a two-tiered system. However, this transition was not without its challenges, as the country faced several financial crises between 1994 and 1999, including a global financial crisis in 2008.

Support from the Asian Development Bank

Despite these setbacks, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has continued to support Mongolia’s financial sector development through loans and technical assistance. The first phase of comprehensive financial sector reforms was launched in 1996, aimed at addressing the fragility of the banking sector, which was characterized by numerous illiquid and insolvent banks.

Evaluation Report

The IED report validates the assessment made in the completion report, concluding that the program’s overall performance was less than successful. This assessment is based on a range of factors, including project design, implementation, and outcomes.


Despite these challenges, the evaluation report also highlights several successes, including:

  • Improvements to Mongolia’s banking regulation framework
  • Enhanced financial sector stability

Recommendations for Future Improvement

The report makes several recommendations for future improvement, including:

  • Strengthening supervision and regulation
  • Improving risk management practices
  • Enhancing consumer protection


The report’s findings serve as a timely reminder of the complexities involved in developing a robust financial sector, particularly in a country like Mongolia that is still transitioning from a centrally planned to a market-based economy. As the government continues to navigate these challenges, the report’s recommendations will be crucial in shaping the future direction of banking regulation in the country.