Financial Crime World

Bank Secrecy and Transparency in Montserrat Under Scrutiny

The tiny Caribbean island nation of Montserrat has come under scrutiny over its bank secrecy and transparency practices, with a report by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes highlighting concerns about the country’s compliance with international standards.


The review is part of a broader effort to promote tax transparency and exchange of information among nearly 120 jurisdictions participating in the Global Forum. Montserrat was reviewed under Phase 2 of the Global Forum’s implementation process, which assesses the practical application of the country’s legal and regulatory framework for exchanging information.


According to the report, while Montserrat has made progress in implementing its framework, there are still concerns about the effectiveness of its measures. The review notes that:

  • Montserrat’s legal framework provides for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of domestic tax laws.
  • However, there is a lack of clarity around the scope and application of this framework, which may lead to difficulties in exchanging information between countries.

Bank Secrecy Concerns

The review also expresses concerns about the country’s bank secrecy practices, stating that all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and data held by fiduciaries. This suggests that Montserrat’s banking sector may not be as transparent as it claims, with potentially significant implications for tax authorities around the world.


Montserrat has been given several recommendations by the Global Forum to address these concerns, including:

  • Improving its legal framework
  • Increasing transparency around bank secrecy practices

If implemented, these changes could significantly enhance the country’s reputation as a transparent and cooperative jurisdiction in the global financial system.


The ultimate goal of the Global Forum’s review is to help jurisdictions like Montserrat effectively implement international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. By addressing these concerns and implementing necessary changes, Montserrat can demonstrate its commitment to transparency and cooperation in the fight against tax evasion and avoidance.