The Hidden Face of Morocco’s Economy: A Growing Concern
As Morocco continues to experience economic growth, a growing concern has emerged about the sources of income for large segments of its population. While cannabis is one of the most commonly consumed drugs in the country, reports are surfacing of increased consumption of ecstasy, crystal methamphetamine, and Karkoubi - a cocktail of various synthetic drugs, solvents, and benzodiazepines.
Drug Use
Karkoubi, which is typically sold in individual pills or groups of 7-10 pills called “belts,” has become increasingly popular due to its ubiquity and extremely low price. This has made it accessible to lower-income and middle-class users.
Cyber Threats on the Rise
In addition to drug use, Morocco is facing a growing threat from cybercrime. The country’s increasing reliance on digital infrastructure has made it a target for hackers and cybercriminals. In 2021, authorities detected and neutralized hundreds of cybersecurity threats, mostly aimed at government ministries and public institutions.
Financial Crimes Continue to Plague the Country
Financial crimes such as tax evasion and fiscal fraud continue to hinder efforts to broaden Morocco’s tax base. The country’s anti-money laundering legislation has also been criticized for lagging behind international norms.
A Two-Track System Emerges
The legalization of cannabis, which is expected to attract global investment for medical and industrial purposes, has raised concerns about the impact on small farmers in northern Morocco. There is a risk that a two-track system will emerge, with both illicit and licit cultivation in key grow areas.
Challenges in the Justice System
Morocco’s judiciary faces numerous challenges, including weak logistics inside the courts, heavy caseloads, and limited financial incentives for exceptional work. Prisons are overcrowded, and prisoners frequently suffer from human rights abuses.
Economic Progress, but Challenges Remain
Despite significant economic progress over the past three decades, Morocco still faces challenges related to the informal economy. High unemployment rates, inflation of public debt, and resulting social disparities are among the concerns.
Civil Society and Social Protection
While there is a legal framework in place for victim protection, it remains inadequately implemented. The country continues to provide assistance for drug addicts through treatment and rehabilitation centers, but more needs to be done. Crime prevention activities are limited in practice and mostly carried out by foundations and NGOs.
In conclusion, Morocco’s economy is facing a growing concern about the sources of income for large segments of its population. While there are signs of progress, challenges remain in the areas of drug use, cybercrime, financial crimes, justice system inefficiencies, economic inequality, and civil society engagement. Addressing these concerns will be crucial for Morocco to achieve sustainable development and improve the well-being of its citizens.