Myanmar’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) Framework: Areas for Improvement
Executive Summary
The Asia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) has assessed the AML/CTF framework in Myanmar, highlighting several areas where improvement is necessary to effectively prevent and combat money laundering and terrorist financing.
Key Challenges
Predicate Crimes and Money Laundering
- There is a lack of analysis on how proceeds of crime are laundered within Myanmar.
- Investigations do not focus on following the money trail, making it difficult to track and recover illicit funds.
Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
- The FIU has access to transaction information but struggles with staffing shortages and relies heavily on manual processes.
- Disseminations from the FIU are not regularly used for predicate offense investigations.
Money Laundering Investigations
- These are not prioritized, and asset-tracing investigations begin after a conviction for the predicate has been obtained.
- This approach makes it challenging to effectively combat money laundering and recover illicit assets.
Terrorist Financing
- TF cases are not sufficiently prioritized, and there is no clear legal basis to implement TFS in relation to proliferation of WMD by certain countries.
- This lack of clarity hinders the effective prevention and investigation of terrorist financing activities.
Preventive Measures
- There is a lack of specific guidance on high-risk issues for FIs (Financial Institutions).
- DNFBPs (Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions) have not implemented AML/CFT controls, leaving them vulnerable to money laundering risks.
- CBM supervision of banks has increased in skills and experience but does not comprehensively check beneficial ownership.
- This oversight can lead to undetected money laundering activities.
The APG report highlights significant areas where Myanmar’s AML/CTF framework needs improvement. By addressing these challenges, Myanmar can enhance its ability to prevent and combat money laundering and terrorist financing, ultimately contributing to a safer financial system for all.