Myanmar’s Crime Resilience Gap Widen to Global Record High
As the international community remains preoccupied with developments in the Middle East and Ukraine, Myanmar’s dire situation has been largely overlooked. However, the 2023 Global Organized Crime Index reveals that organized crime in Myanmar has worsened significantly since the 2021 coup, catapulting the country to the top of the global ranking.
Record High Levels of Organized Criminality
Myanmar now boasts the highest levels of organized criminality globally, with a score of 8.15 out of 10, surpassing its previous ranking of 7.59 in 2021. The most notable increases in non-renewable resource crimes and human trafficking have exacerbated the crisis.
Exacerbating Factors
- Non-renewable resource crimes
- Human trafficking
- Foreign actors, particularly Chinese nationals, playing a significant role
Dramatic Weakening of Resilience
Myanmar’s resilience to organized crime has dramatically weakened since its low ranking in 2021, plunging to an alarming 1.63 out of 10. This is the lowest score for any country except Libya and Afghanistan.
Widening Gap Between Criminality and Resilience Scores
The gap between criminality and resilience scores has widened from 4.17 points to a staggering 6.52 points, placing Myanmar eons away from its global peers.
International Community’s Response
The international community’s decision to suspend government-to-government aid agreements following the coup has significantly contributed to this dire situation. Aid delivery and programming have been severely hampered, with data showing an 85% drop in overall aid contributions since 2021.
Urgent Intervention Needed
The crisis in Myanmar serves as a warning sign for the international community, highlighting the need for urgent intervention and innovative solutions to address state-embedded criminality while supporting community resilience. The prescription for this situation includes acute diplomatic attention, rapid redirection of aid, and programming efforts that navigate complexity to create innovative solutions.
Key Recommendations
- Acute diplomatic attention
- Rapid redirection of aid
- Innovative programming efforts
- Support community resilience
As the world’s most vulnerable populations suffer in silence, it is imperative that policymakers and practitioners prioritize Myanmar’s plight in 2024.