Financial Crime World

Namibia: A Country Confronting Multiple Challenges

Security Situation in Namibia

Namibia faces significant security challenges, including widespread corruption within law enforcement agencies. Some key concerns include:

Corruption in Law Enforcement

  • Inadequate training and skills shortages compromise the effectiveness of law enforcement.
  • Insufficient resources and complicity in smuggling hinder efforts to combat organized crime.

Prison System Issues

  • Substandard prison conditions create an environment conducive to mafia-style groups dominating the prison economy.
  • Vulnerable prisoners are susceptible to sexual abuse by other detainees.

Economic and Financial Environment

Namibia’s economic growth is slow due to its over-reliance on government subsidies. The country struggles with:

Under-Resourcing and Failing Judiciary

  • Inadequate anti-money laundering programs and selective law enforcement contribute to medium to high vulnerability to money laundering.
  • Efforts to combat financial crimes are hindered by a failing judiciary.

Civil Society and Social Protection

Efforts to protect victims of trafficking face significant challenges:

Under-Staffing and Under-Resourcing

  • Facilities for protecting victims are under-staffed and under-resourced, hampering efforts.
  • Victims who file police reports against perpetrators lack protection and may be assaulted or killed.

Lack of Official Shelters

  • There are no official shelters for victims of human trafficking in Namibia, although the authorities and NGOs provide shelter-related services.

Crime Prevention

Namibia has not reported any major successes in crime prevention due to:


  • Massive under-funding in enforcement across all sectors hinders efforts to combat crime.
  • Strategies and projects implemented to protect species in hotspots of illegal activity are not publicly evaluated.

Media and Civil Society

Despite challenges, Namibia has a conducive legislative environment for unbiased journalism:

Declining Capacity

  • The actual capacity of some media institutions is declining, affecting their ability to hold those in power accountable.
  • Social media has proven effective at exposing wrongdoing due to its prevalence, while print media sales are in decline.

Civil Society Stability

  • Civil society is considered stable, with an evolving organizational capacity and advocacy efforts.


This report highlights the multiple challenges facing Namibia, including corruption, under-resourcing, and inadequate protection for victims of crime. Addressing these issues will require concerted efforts from all stakeholders to create a safer, more prosperous future for the country’s citizens.