Financial Crime World

BAN Responds to New Banking Regulations: Industry Calls for Compliance with Namibia’s Latest Laws


In a move aimed at boosting transparency and accountability in the banking sector, Namibia’s Bank of Namibia has introduced significant changes to the country’s banking regulations. The new laws, which include the Banking Institutions Act and the Payment System Management Act, are expected to have far-reaching implications for the industry.

Key Changes

The revised regulations bring several key changes to the banking sector:

  • Independent and Autonomous Boards: Namibian banking institutions must establish independent and autonomous boards.
  • Term Limits and Age Restrictions: Board members will be subject to term limits and age restrictions to prevent them from serving indefinitely.
  • Credit Decision-Making: All credit decisions and approvals must be made by individuals authorized by the Bank of Namibia, with no credit decisions to be made outside Namibia by unauthorized persons.
  • Fees and Charges: The Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises will establish rules governing fees and charges imposed by banking institutions on their customers.
  • Profit Shifting and Transfer Pricing: The Bank of Namibia will closely scrutinize and prohibit profit shifting and transfer pricing practices facilitated through service level agreements with parent institutions.

Industry Reaction

Observer Money conducted an interview with Brian Katjaerua, CEO of the Bankers Association of Namibia (BAN), to gain insight into the industry’s reaction to these changes.

Q: What is BAN’s stance on the new regulations?

A: “We believe that the industry has been responsive to the needs of the Namibian economy and its consumers. We will continue to deliver value and products unique to each stakeholder’s circumstances.”

Q: How do banks plan to implement the Banking Institutions Act and Payment System Management Act?

A: “BAN members are committed to compliance with all laws passed through the legislative process. Where challenges arise, mechanisms and processes are in place to address these issues with regulators.”

Timeline for Compliance

When asked about the expected timeline for banks to establish independent and autonomous boards, Katjaerua stated that this is already a requirement under existing law.

Q: Is there a specific timeline for banks to comply with the new regulations?

A: “Banks have always had independent and autonomous boards appointed in line with the law and principles of corporate governance.”


The Bankers Association of Namibia has urged all banking institutions to comply with the new regulations, which are aimed at enhancing transparency and accountability in the sector. With these changes, the industry is expected to become more responsive to the needs of its stakeholders and contribute to the overall development of the country.