Financial Crime World

Nauru’s Organized Crime Landscape: An Analysis

Limited Scope of Organized Crime in Nauru

Due to its small population and lack of a significant licit market, organized crime is almost non-existent in Nauru.

  • Small population: With a total population of approximately 11,000 people, Nauru has one of the smallest populations among all countries.
  • Limited economic opportunities: The country’s narrow economic base, absence of financial institutions, and strict land tenure restrictions make it unattractive for investment and financial flows.

Corruption Remains a Concern

Although there are no private sector actors involved in criminal economies, corruption persists as a problem mainly due to the government’s control over the island’s economy and its vulnerability to foreign influence.

  • Government control: The Nauruan government has significant control over the country’s economy, which can lead to corruption.
  • Vulnerability to foreign influence: The country’s reliance on international aid and its small size make it vulnerable to external influences that could contribute to corruption.

Limited Judicial and Law Enforcement Capabilities

The country lacks specific judicial units or law enforcement units that deal with organized crime, relying heavily on international cooperation for assistance.

  • Limited resources: Nauru’s limited resources and lack of specialized units hinder its ability to effectively address organized crime.
  • International cooperation: The country relies on international cooperation for assistance in addressing organized crime.

Vulnerability to Human Rights Abuses

Deported individuals from Australia face grossly inadequate housing, denial of healthcare, and a high rate of self-harm attempts within the Nauru Regional Processing Centre.

  • Inadequate housing: The living conditions at the processing centre have been criticized for being inadequate.
  • Denial of healthcare: Deported individuals may not have access to adequate medical care.
  • Self-harm attempts: There has been a high rate of self-harm attempts among detainees.


While Nauru may not face the same level of organized crime threats as other countries, its limited judicial and law enforcement capabilities, corruption concerns, and vulnerability to human rights abuses remain pressing issues that require attention.