Financial Crime World

Title: Belgian Financial Institutions’ Robust Approach to Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention

The Pivotal Role of the National Bank of Belgium (NBB)

Brussels - The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) plays a crucial role in safeguarding the Belgian financial sector from money laundering and terrorist financing. With a robust regulatory framework and stringent oversight, the NBB demonstrates its commitment to financial crime prevention.

A Robust Regulatory Framework

Belgian Legislation

The Belgian anti-money laundering and terrorist financing legislative framework includes:

Sectoral Risk Assessments

The NBB conducts sectoral risk assessments to identify and evaluate money laundering and terrorist financing risks in Belgian financial institutions subject to its supervisory authority. Notable reports include:

  • Sectoral assessment of money laundering risks in the Belgian financial sector in 2023
  • 2020 and earlier assessments (available on the NBB’s website)

Circulars and Communications

The NBB disseminates circulars and communications to keep financial institutions informed of its expectations and guidelines on anti-money laundering and terrorist financing measures, such as:

  • Transaction monitoring
  • Enhancing due diligence
  • Financial sanctions

Financial Sanctions

The NBB applies financial sanctions in line with the Belgian Treasury’s guidelines. Institutions under its supervision must comply with these measures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing activities.

Collaborations and Partnerships

To further enhance its efforts, the NBB collaborates with various entities, including:

  • The Financial Intelligence Processing Unit (CTIF-CFI)
  • The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA)
  • The European Supervisory Authorities (Joint Committee and European Banking Authority)

These collaborations include agreements on information sharing and public-private partnerships.

European and International Cooperation

Belgium’s anti-money laundering and terrorist financing efforts do not limit themselves to the national framework. The country participates in European initiatives and international organizations to promote effective financial crime prevention measures and maintain a unified approach:

  • The European Union’s Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Anti-Money Laundering Directives
  • The Financial Action Task Force (FATF)


The NBB’s comprehensive measures aim to create an environment that not only complies with anti-money laundering and terrorist financing laws but also safeguards consumers, investors, and the broader financial system. Belgian financial institutions’ robust approach to money laundering and terrorist financing prevention contributes to maintaining the integrity of the Belgian and global financial sector.