Financial Crime World

NRC Exposed: Pattern of Corruption and Fraud Revealed

A recent report by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has shed light on a disturbing pattern of corruption and fraud within the organization. The internal investigation uncovered a string of incidents involving fraudulent documentation, embezzlement, and extortion across several countries.

Incidents Across Countries


  • NRC staff presented fake accommodation receipts while on official duties, resulting in a loss of $830.


  • Staff attempted to defraud project participants by sending cash assistance to unregistered mobile phone numbers.
  • The organization recognizes the risk this poses and has adapted its local procedures accordingly.


  • Procurement fraud was discovered, including allegations of forged signatures and collusive behavior between NRC staff and suppliers.
  • A disciplinary process was carried out against the staff involved.


  • Extortion was reported, with sub-contractors and community representatives demanding cash from project participants in order to receive their entitlements.
  • The investigation recommended that the sub-contractor be excluded as a vendor/service provider.

Additional Incidents

Collusion between NRC Logistics Staff and Suppliers

  • A loss of $84,675 was reported due to collusion between NRC logistics staff and suppliers.
  • An NRC staff member was found to have forged signatures on delivery sheets and colluded with suppliers.


The organization has terminated several contracts and dismissed staff members involved in these incidents. However, the report highlights concerns about the lack of follow-up on some cases and the need for greater transparency and accountability within the organization.

Total Loss

The total loss resulting from these incidents is estimated at €12,826.

Response from NRC

“We take these allegations seriously and are taking steps to address them. We apologize to those affected and reaffirm our commitment to transparency and accountability,” said an NRC spokesperson.

Preventive Measures

The NRC has promised to implement stricter controls and procedures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.