Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Regulations: Observations and Recommendations
This article discusses observations and recommendations regarding money laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF) regulations in a certain jurisdiction.
Legal System and Related Institutional Measures
Criminalization of Money Laundering (ML)
- The jurisdiction is currently non-compliant (NC).
- Predicate offenses for ML need to cover all serious crimes, not just those under the Drugs Act.
- Ancillary offenses and intentional elements should be criminalized.
- Objective factual circumstances should allow for the inference of intentional elements.
Criminalization of Terrorist Financing (TF)
- The jurisdiction is currently NC.
- TF must be criminalized autonomously, including:
- Provision and collection of funds for terrorist purposes
- Use of funds for terrorist purposes
- All acts in anti-terrorism instruments
- Financing of individual terrorists and terrorist organizations
- Attempt to commit a TF offense
- Objective factual circumstances should allow for the inference of intentional elements.
- Effective, proportionate, and dissuasive sanctions for legal entities should be allowed.
Confiscation, Freezing, and Seizing of Proceeds of Crime
- The jurisdiction is currently NC.
- Assets of every kind should be confiscable.
- Property of corresponding value should be permissible for confiscation.
- Property subject to confiscation can be frozen and seized with respect to all predicate crimes under the standard.
National and International Cooperation
There is a domestic cooperation mechanism dedicated to AML/CFT policy issues, but it has not yet delivered tangible results.
Mutual Legal Assistance and Extradition
- There is currently no legislative framework regulating mutual legal assistance and extradition.
- The jurisdiction should increase the staff of relevant authorities.
- Training for AML/CFT expertise, especially for investigations and supervision, should be provided.
Key Pieces of Legislation
- Comprehensive AML/CFT legislation is necessary.
- The draft revised Penal Code should be adopted.
- Criminal procedure rules should be set out in law to enable authorities to fight ML and TF effectively.
General Observations
The jurisdiction needs to:
- Increase overall staff for AML/CFT expertise.
- Adopt legislative frameworks regulating mutual legal assistance and extradition.