Financial Crime World

OSCE Launches Project to Bolster Ukraine’s Fight Against Financial Crimes and Terrorism Funding

In the global battle against financial crimes and the funding of terrorist activities, one of the most significant challenges lies in identifying and halting the flow of illicit money. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) recognizes the importance of combating money laundering and terrorist financing. To build the capacity of Ukrainian authorities and bring their system in line with international standards, a new project has been launched.

Strengthening Ukrainian Authorities’ Capacity

The OSCE Secretariat’s Extra-Budgetary Support Programme for Ukraine will directly support Ukrainian authorities in conducting risk assessments and implementing necessary action plans to address these persistent threats. The project will also facilitate data gathering and processing, enabling the creation of analytical reports and sector-specific studies on Ukraine’s vulnerabilities to financial crimes.

  • Support for risk assessments and action plans
  • Data gathering and processing for analytical reports
  • Sector-specific studies on financial crimes vulnerabilities

Training and Awareness-Raising Activities

Training and awareness-raising activities will also be an integral part of the initiative. These activities will include study visits, networking events, and a digital learning platform for practitioners.

  • Study visits for knowledge sharing
  • Networking events for collaboration and information exchange
  • A digital learning platform for investigative tools and global trends

Essential Component of OSCE’s Ongoing Efforts

This project represents an essential component of the OSCE’s ongoing efforts to strengthen Ukraine’s ability to counteract financial crimes and terrorist financing. The initiative is made possible by extra-budgetary contributions from the OSCE’s participating states.

For a complete list of the programme’s donors, visit


  • OSCE launches project to bolster Ukraine’s fight against financial crimes and terrorism funding
  • Support for risk assessments, action plans, data gathering, and training activities
  • Essential component of OSCE’s ongoing efforts to strengthen Ukraine’s ability to counteract financial crimes and terrorist financing
  • Made possible by extra-budgetary contributions from the OSCE’s participating states