Financial Crime World

Organized Crime in Peru: A Threat to Governance and Security


Peru is a country deeply affected by organized crime, with far-reaching consequences for its governance, security, economy, and society. This report provides an overview of the situation, highlighting key points, recommendations, and next steps for addressing this complex issue.

Key Points

  • Peruvian institutions are deeply embedded with organized crime groups, including government officials, law-enforcement agencies, parliamentarians, and judges.
  • International crime groups from countries like Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Serbia, and Italy operate in Peru.
  • The country has a robust legal framework to tackle organized crime but faces challenges in implementing laws effectively.
  • Corruption is a significant concern, affecting governance at the highest levels of government.
  • Law-enforcement agencies have bodies specialized in complex crimes, but the judiciary can be slow and ineffective in dealing with lower-profile cases.


  1. Strengthen Implementation of Existing Laws: Ensure that existing laws to combat organized crime are implemented effectively, addressing loopholes and inefficiencies in the system.
  2. Address Corruption: Increase transparency and accountability within institutions, including government offices, law-enforcement agencies, and the judiciary, to prevent corruption from undermining efforts to combat organized crime.
  3. Enhance Cooperation and Capacity: Improve cooperation between law-enforcement agencies and enhance their capacity to investigate complex crimes, leveraging international cooperation and expertise as needed.
  4. Support Victims and Civil Society: Increase resources for victim protection and support civil society organizations working on anti-organized crime initiatives.

Next Steps

  1. Assess Current State of Organized Crime: Conduct a thorough assessment of the current state of organized crime in Peru, including its impact on governance and public security.
  2. Develop Comprehensive Strategy: Develop a comprehensive strategy to address corruption, improve law-enforcement capacity, and enhance international cooperation, tailored to Peru’s specific needs and challenges.
  3. Allocate Resources: Allocate necessary resources to support the implementation of the strategy, ensuring that all stakeholders are committed to its success.


Organized crime is a significant threat to Peru’s governance, security, economy, and society. This report aims to inform policymakers, stakeholders, and the general public about the complex issue of organized crime in Peru and provide recommendations for addressing it effectively. By implementing these recommendations and taking concrete steps towards addressing corruption, improving law-enforcement capacity, and enhancing international cooperation, Peru can work towards a safer, more secure future for all its citizens.