Financial Crime World

Title: Portugal’s Commitment to Combating FinancialCrime: A Deep Dive

Subtitle: Portugal’s Continuous Struggle againstWhite-Collar Crimes and Money Laundering

Portugal, renowned for its rapidly recovering economy and growing business climate, has not been exempted from the global surge in white-collar crimes and money laundering activities. In response, Portuguese authorities have intensified their financial crime prevention measures to safeguard the financial system and foster the country’s economic growth.

Establishing the Instituto para a Defesa daConcorrência e da Transparência (IDCT)

Since assuming power in late 2015, the current Portuguese government, led by Prime Minister António Costa, has taken significant strides to combat financial crimes. One of the most notable initiatives includes the creation of the IDCT – the Institute for the Defence of Competition and Transparency.

The IDCT serves as a central hub for coordinating the fight against financial crime, financial malfeasance, and corruption within Portuguese institutions. This collaboration enhances law enforcement agencies’ capacity to prevent and investigate criminal activities, including money laundering and financial fraud.

Portugal’s updated legal framework has been a crucial factor in the government’s efforts to combat financial crimes. In 2017, the country adopted the fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (5AMLD), which mandates enhanced due diligence measures in areas such as customer identification, risk assessment, and transaction reporting. Additionally, the Portuguese authorities recently implemented the revised Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) regulations, further strengthening the country’s stance on cryptocurrencies and addressing potential financial crimes related to these assets.

International Cooperation

Experts believe that Portugal’s ongoing commitment to financial crime prevention is essential for maintaining public trust and promoting a favorable business environment. Tiago Geraldo, a leading Portuguese legal expert with extensive experience in white-collar crimes and money laundering cases, emphasizes the significance of the government’s proactive measures:

“Portugal has made substantial progress in recent years in its fight against financial crime. The government’s proactive measures, such as the establishment of the IDCT and the implementation of various modern legislations, demonstrate their strong determination to maintain a robust financial system.”

Moreover, David Silva Ramalho, a seasoned anti-money laundering expert and contributor to this publication, highlights the importance of international cooperation in the fight against financial crimes:

“Portugal has become increasingly proactive in its international collaborations to prevent cross-border money laundering activities. These efforts not only underscore the country’s commitment to upholding international financial standards but also demonstrate its willingness to contribute to global efforts to combat financial crimes.”


Portugal’s unwavering commitment to financial crime prevention reflects its continued efforts to maintain a credible and attractive business climate while ensuring the integrity of its financial system. A comprehensive legislative framework, centralized anti-corruption efforts, and renewed focus on international cooperation make Portugal a vigilant player in the global fight against white-collar crimes and money laundering.