Financial Crime World

Guidelines for Financial Institutions: Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing

Key Roles

Financial institutions have specific roles that are crucial in preventing money laundering and terrorism financing. The two key roles mentioned below must work together effectively to ensure compliance with guidelines.

Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO)

The MLRO has significant responsibilities, including determining whether information or matters contained in a transaction report give rise to knowledge or suspicion of money laundering or terrorism financing.

  • Determine suspicious transactions: The MLRO must identify and determine if a transaction is suspicious.
  • Report to Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU): If the MLRO determines that a transaction is suspicious, they must report it to the FIU.

Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)

The FIU is responsible for receiving and analyzing Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs) from financial institutions. They help prevent money laundering and terrorism financing by monitoring transactions and identifying patterns of suspicious activity.

Procedures for Reporting Suspicions

Effective reporting procedures are essential in preventing money laundering and terrorism financing.

Simple Reporting Lines

Reporting lines should be as short as possible, with minimal people between the person with suspicion and the MLRO. This ensures that suspicions can be reported promptly and efficiently.

  • Minimal personnel: Keep the number of personnel involved in reporting to a minimum.
  • Easy access to MLRO: Ensure that the MLRO is easily accessible for reporting purposes.

Confidentiality and Accessibility

The reporting process should maintain confidentiality and ensure easy access to the MLRO. This helps prevent sensitive information from being shared unnecessarily.

  • Maintain confidentiality: Keep all reporting confidential.
  • Easy access: Ensure that the MLRO is easily accessible for reporting purposes.


All procedures should be documented in manuals, and job descriptions should clearly state accountabilities and responsibilities. This helps ensure that everyone involved in the reporting process understands their roles and responsibilities.

Responsibilities of Managers and Supervisors

Managers and supervisors play a crucial role in ensuring that suspicions are reported promptly to the MLRO.

Assisting with Reports

In smaller organizations, managers or supervisors may assist junior staff with preparing reports jointly with the MLRO. This helps ensure that reports are accurate and comprehensive.

  • Joint preparation: Managers or supervisors can help prepare reports jointly with the MLRO.
  • Accurate reporting: Ensure that all reports are accurate and comprehensive.

Effective Reporting Chain

All organizations should have an effective reporting chain in place to ensure that suspicions are reported promptly to the MLRO. This helps prevent delays in reporting suspicious activity.

Accountability and Decision-Making

The MLRO is accountable for all reports, both those sent to FIU and those set aside. They must make informed decisions about whether a report gives rise to knowledge or suspicion of money laundering or terrorism financing.

MLRO’s Determination

The MLRO is required to determine whether a report gives rise to knowledge or suspicion of money laundering or terrorism financing. They must record their determination in writing, including the underlying reasons.

  • Written records: The MLRO should keep written records of all determinations.
  • Underlying reasons: Include the underlying reasons for each determination.

Accountability for Reports

The MLRO is accountable for all reports, both those sent to FIU and those set aside. They must ensure that all reports are accurate and comprehensive.

Overall, these guidelines emphasize the importance of having a clear and effective reporting process in place to detect and prevent money laundering and terrorism financing.