Whistleblower Protection Act for the Bahamas
Part I: Preliminary Matters
- Short Title and Commencement: The Bill gives a short title and commencement.
- Definitions: Key terms such as “impropriety”, “disclosure”, and “whistleblower” are defined.
Part II: Disclosure of Impropriety
- Allowing Disclosures: Individuals can disclose impropriety, including unlawful or corrupt conduct by others.
- Who Can Make Disclosures: Employees, institutions, and other specified entities can make disclosures.
- Where to Make Disclosures: Disclosures can be made to the Governor, Premier, Attorney General, Auditor General, and other specified authorities.
Part III: Procedures for Disclosure and Related Action
- Making a Disclosure: Procedures for making a disclosure in writing or orally are outlined.
- Reduction of Oral Disclosures: Oral disclosures must be reduced into writing and explained to the whistleblower if they are illiterate.
- Confidentiality: Persons receiving a disclosure must keep it confidential; failure to do so is an offense.
Part IV: Protection for Making Disclosure
- Protection Against Victimization: Whistleblowers are protected against victimization by employers, colleagues, or others due to a disclosure.
- Reporting Victimization: Whistleblowers can report victimization to the Complaints Commissioner and seek enforcement of orders.
- Rights to Action: Whistleblowers have rights to action for victimization, including legal assistance and police protection.
Part V: Whistleblower Reward Fund
- Establishment of the Fund: A Whistleblower Reward Fund is established to provide monetary rewards to whistleblowers.
- Sources of Money: The Fund receives voluntary contributions and allocations by the House of Assembly.
- Object of the Fund: The object of the Fund is to pay rewards to whistleblowers.
Part VI: Miscellaneous Provisions
- Accounts and Audit: The Fund requires accounts and audit.
- Annual Report: An annual report on the Fund’s activities must be submitted.
- Regulations: Cabinet can make Regulations for implementing the Act.
This Bill aims to protect individuals who disclose impropriety in the public interest by providing a framework for making disclosures, protecting whistleblowers from victimization, and establishing a reward fund to incentivize further disclosures.