Upholding the Rule of Law: A Commitment to Prudent Oversight in Papua New Guinea’s Criminal Justice System
In recent years, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has been working closely with key stakeholders in Papua New Guinea to promote transparency and accountability. One such effort is the establishment of the National Fraud Courts, which was set up by the PNG Judiciary in 2013.
Strengthening the Fight Against Corruption
The UNODC has taken a proactive approach in strengthening the fight against corruption in Papua New Guinea. Recently, they organized a training program for anti-corruption investigators to combat corruption and carry out financial investigations more effectively.
Key Highlights of the Training Program
- Participants included experienced investigators, prosecutors, lawyers, and accountants from various government agencies.
- The training focused on operational activities to enhance the use of financial intelligence and pursue asset recovery proceedings.
- Core competencies imparted during the training included technical skills and methods to assess and calculate wealth, identify possible unexplained wealth, and pursue non-conviction-based recovery of assets under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2015.
Upholding the Rule of Law
The Chief Justice of Papua New Guinea emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law, committing to meet the expectations of the people and protecting and adhering to the rule of law without fear or favor. He encouraged lawyers and all law enforcement officers to test these laws in the Courts and adhere to the principle of dispensing justice according to law.
Using Digital Tools for Effective Investigations
The UNODC also provided upgraded training on the effective use of digital tools and open-source intelligence to investigate corruption. This training aimed at using available digital software to identify, classify, and proactively investigate corruption-related offenses.
Quotes from Key Stakeholders
- “We are committed to paving the way for more effective investigations on corruption,” said Mr. Graeme Gunn, UNODC PNG Officer-in-Charge and Anti-Corruption Adviser.
- “Relatively simple digital tools can be used to great effect by intelligence and investigation areas of PNG’s key anti-corruption law enforcement agencies.”
Promoting Integrity and Anti-Corruption among Young People
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) continues to engage with youth in Papua New Guinea through anti-corruption initiatives under the PNG Anti-Corruption Project. The Youth Anti-Corruption Essay and Photography Competition is now open for entries, with a theme of “Peace, Unity, and Anti-Corruption in Papua New Guinea.”
The commitment to upholding the rule of law is not limited to law enforcement agencies alone. These efforts demonstrate a strong commitment to promoting transparency and accountability in Papua New Guinea’s criminal justice system.