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REED’s Whistleblower Policy: A Commitment to Transparency and Accountability
Kathmandu, Nepal - REED Nepal has established a whistleblower policy to ensure that all reports of misconduct are thoroughly investigated and addressed in a timely and fair manner.
Investigation Process
Under the policy, serious allegations of misconduct will be referred to the CEO or Chairman of the Board for management and investigation. The whistleblower must provide information to assist in the investigation, and REED will make every reasonable effort to investigate all relevant circumstances and information.
The policy emphasizes the importance of confidentiality, with only a limited group of investigators requiring knowledge of the whistleblower’s identity. REED is committed to ensuring that the whistleblower is satisfied with the intended process and will assess reports in terms of:
- Severity
- Health and safety implications
- Financial implications
- Complexity
- Impact on the whistleblower
- Systemic implications
- Potential timeframes
REED aims to:
- Acknowledge written reports within five working days
- Respond to oral reports immediately
- Resolve reports of misconduct within thirty working days
- Inform the whistleblower of progress and keep them regularly updated if a report is not resolved by then
REED will take all required remedial action, including:
- Counseling
- Discipline or termination of employment or contract where necessary
- Further training of staff if needed
Monitoring and Review
REED will monitor the effectiveness of its whistleblower policy on a regular basis and make amendments as appropriate.
Contact Information
Whistleblowers can contact REED’s CEO at:
- PO Box Number 8260, Lalitpur, Nepal
Alternatively, they can contact the Chairman of the Board at:
- PO Box 553, Pox Box Number 8260, Lalitpur, Nepal
Related Policies and Manuals
REED’s whistleblower policy is aligned with other policies and manuals, including:
- REED Complaints Policy
- REED Code of Conduct
- REED Fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy
- REED Human Resources Policy and Manual
- REED Financial Management Procedures Manual
- REED Conflict of Interest Policy
- REED Program Management Procedures Manual
- REED Child Protection Policy
- REED Administrative Procedures Manual
Examples of Serious Misconduct
REED’s whistleblower policy defines serious misconduct as conduct that is:
- A civil or criminal offense
- Results in health and safety risks
- Damages the environment
- Involves unauthorized use of funds or resources
- Possible fraud and corruption
- Breaches child safeguarding policies
- Involves mismanagement or waste of funds or resources
- Results in loss to REED
By implementing this whistleblower policy, REED Nepal demonstrates its commitment to transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct. The organization encourages anyone with concerns about serious misconduct to report them promptly and confidentially.