Refugees Can Retain Status Across Generations
The international community has reaffirmed its support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) as it continues to provide crucial services to millions of Palestine refugees across generations.
Unique Role of UNRWA
Despite claims that UNRWA’s mandate is outdated and that other organizations could take over its responsibilities, experts argue that the agency’s unique role in serving Palestine refugees sets it apart from other humanitarian actors. Under international law, refugees and their descendants can retain their status until a durable solution is found to the situation that led to their displacement.
International Law and UNRWA
In 1949, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution recognizing the right of Palestine refugees to return to their homes and live in peace with their neighbors. The resolution also called for compensation for those who choose not to return and for loss or damage to property that should be made good by the governments responsible.
UNRWA’s Services
UNRWA’s services are critical to the daily lives of millions of Palestine refugees, including:
- Education
- Healthcare
- Social protection
The agency has a unique mandate to provide these services to refugees in five fields of operation: Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and Gaza.
Criticisms and Challenges
Some critics have argued that donor money would be better spent supporting governments in the region rather than UNRWA. However, experts point out that UNRWA’s mandate was set by the United Nations General Assembly and is regularly reviewed by member states. The agency runs essential public services for Palestine refugees with a workforce of over 30,000 personnel, most of whom are Palestinian.
Addressing Criticisms
UNRWA has also been accused of not taking reports against it seriously. However, the agency has zero tolerance for hate speech, discrimination, or incitement to violence and has launched investigations into credible allegations of misconduct, applying disciplinary measures where necessary.
Despite challenges and criticisms, UNRWA remains committed to its mandate of providing humanitarian assistance to Palestine refugees until a just and lasting solution is found to their plight.