Financial Crime World

Solomon Islands Banking Sector Faces Strict Regulatory Framework


The Solomon Islands’ financial sector is governed by a robust regulatory framework, comprising legislation and prudential standards. The Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) plays a crucial role in monitoring the application of these standards to minimize risk.

Regulatory Framework

According to sources, the CBSI Act and Financial Institutions Act 1998 (as amended) provide the foundation for the country’s financial regulation. These acts address key issues such as:

  • Defining financial institutions and banking business
  • Ownership rules
  • Licensing requirements
  • Minimum capital requirements
  • Restrictions on business activities
  • External auditor roles
  • Depositor protection measures
  • Supervisory systems
  • Intervention mechanisms

CBSI’s Role in Regulation

The CBSI is responsible for ensuring compliance with these regulations, which are regularly reviewed to adapt to changing circumstances. The regulatory body’s goals and objectives include:

  • Maintaining financial stability
  • Promoting sound banking practices
  • Protecting depositors’ interests

Supervision Framework

A key component of the CBSI’s supervision framework is its supervisory and examination system, which consists of four phases:

  • Goal-setting and planning
  • On-site examinations
  • Reporting
  • Corrective actions

This continuous cycle enables the CBSI to monitor licensed financial institutions’ compliance with prudential standards and address any non-compliance issues promptly.

Regulatory Environment

The Solomon Islands’ regulatory environment is designed to strike a balance between promoting financial stability and allowing for business growth. The government’s efforts to strengthen banking supervision are expected to boost investor confidence and support economic development in the country.

By strengthening its regulatory framework, the Solomon Islands aims to create a more stable and attractive environment for businesses and investors, ultimately driving economic growth and prosperity for its citizens.