Financial Crime World

Banking Regulation Updates Take Center Stage in Marshall Islands


The Republic of the Marshall Islands Ministry of Finance (MOF) has announced significant updates to its banking regulation framework, aimed at strengthening the country’s financial management system.

Overview of the MOF

Established under the RMI Financial Management Act, the MOF is responsible for overseeing all revenue and fiscal functions of the Government of the Marshall Islands. Comprising four divisions and one office, the ministry is tasked with ensuring effective public financial management.

Key Divisions

  • Accounting and Administration, Budget, Procurement, and Supply: Streamlines revenue collection, budget allocation, and procurement processes.
  • Customs, Treasury, Revenue, and Taxation: Responsible for managing customs, treasury, revenue, and taxation functions.
  • International Development Assistance (DIDA): Focuses on international development assistance and partnerships.
  • Ebeye Finance Office on Ebeye Island: Provides financial services to the island’s residents.

Purpose of the Updates

These latest updates aim to enhance transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the country’s banking regulation framework, underscoring the importance of robust financial management in a rapidly changing global economy.