Title: Liechtenstein’s Robust Anti-Money Laundering Framework: A MONEYVAL Evaluation
Overview of Liechtenstein’s Financial Market Supervision
- The Financial Market Authority (FMA) in Liechtenstein is an independent financial market supervisory authority.
- It supervises all Liechtenstein financial institutions, Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs), and Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) to ensure compliance with international anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) standards.
Compliance with EU AML Framework
- As a member of the European Economic Area (EEA) since 1995, Liechtenstein conforms to the same legal requirements as EU member states.
- Financial institutions, DNFBPs, and VASPs in Liechtenstein are entirely subject to the EU AML framework following the implementation of the 4th and 5th EU Anti-Money Laundering Directives.
Enhancing Transparency: The Act on the Register of Beneficial Owners
- To address transparency concerns, Liechtenstein established the Act on the Register of Beneficial Owners of Legal Entities (VwbPG) in 2018.
- The Register contains data on beneficial owners of domestic legal entities and foreign trusts managed or operating in Liechtenstein.
- The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), FMA, National Police, Tax Administration, Office of the Public Prosecutor, Court of Justice, and the Liechtenstein Chamber of Lawyers have access to the Register for money laundering, predicate offenses to money laundering, and terrorist financing investigations.
Strengthened Commitment with MONEYVAL
- With the backing of MONEYVAL, Liechtenstein’s commitment to combating money laundering and terrorist financing is further strengthened.
- As a member of the Global Network of FATF-Style Regional Bodies, Liechtenstein continually advances its AML/CTF framework in line with the FATF recommendations.
MONEYVAL’s Evaluation of Liechtenstein’s AML/CTF Measures
- In a comprehensive evaluation, MONEYVal assessed Liechtenstein’s AML/CTF measures.
- Liechtenstein performed exceptionally well, with a broad and convergent understanding of ML/TF risks.
- The FMA’s effective supervision of money laundering and terrorist financing risks was acknowledged.
- Compliance with most FATF recommendations was identified, with a few areas for improvement.
Contact Information
Philipp Röser, Deputy Head, Supervision Section, Anti-Money Laundering and DNFBP Division, FMA – Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein
- Phone: +423 236 73 89
- E-Mail: philipp.roeser@fma-li.li
- www.fma.li
Werner Meyer, Member of the Executive Board, Head, Anti-Money Laundering and DNFBP Division, FMA – Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein
- Phone: +423 236 72 01
- E-Mail: werner.meyer@fma-li.li
- www.fma.li
[Note: English translations of the VwbPG and the MONEYVAL report on Liechtenstein can be found on the official government websites.]
Key Takeaways
- Liechtenstein has a robust financial market supervision framework.
- The country complies with EU AML framework and has established transparency measures to enhance AML/CTF efforts.
- MONEYVAL’s evaluation of Liechtenstein’s AML/CTF measures acknowledged the FMA’s effective supervision and compliance with FATF recommendations.