Financial Crime World

Romania Takes Steps to Strengthen Cybersecurity Contribution

Implementing National Cybersecurity Strategy

In an effort to bolster its role in global cyber diplomacy and cybersecurity cooperation, the Romanian government has made significant strides in implementing an action plan to ensure the effective implementation of its national cybersecurity strategy. The plan was approved by Decision no. 257 of 22.11.2018, Annex II.

Concrete Steps and Timelines

The action plan outlines concrete steps to be taken by various entities responsible for executing specific tasks. It also sets forth timelines and financial resources necessary to implement the strategy.

  • Allocates human and financial resources
  • Establishes timeframes and metrics
  • Translates national cybersecurity strategy priorities and objectives into actionable initiatives

Cyber Diplomacy Engagements on the Rise

Romania’s commitment to international cooperation on cybersecurity is evident in its engagement with regional and international organizations. The country has contributed to various forums dedicated to cybersecurity, including:

  • United Nations Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG)
  • Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime
  • Global Forum of Cyber Expertise (GFCE)
  • Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s (OSCE) efforts on cyber-related capacity building

Commitment to International Law in Cyberspace

In addition to its engagement in international cybersecurity cooperation, Romania has demonstrated its commitment to upholding international law in cyberspace. The country has issued official statements on the application of international law, including human rights, in the context of cyber operations.

  • Member of multilateral treaties
  • Participant in international forums, such as:
    • United Nations Group of Governmental Experts (UN GGE)
    • Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG)

Country’s Contribution to International Capacity Building in Cybersecurity

While Romania has made significant strides in strengthening its cybersecurity contribution, there is still room for improvement. The country’s contribution to international capacity building in cybersecurity remains at zero.

However, efforts are underway to strengthen this aspect of Romanian cybersecurity policy. The government is working to develop and implement initiatives aimed at:

  • Promoting cybersecurity education and training
  • Supporting regional and international cooperation on cyber-related capacity building


Romania’s progress in implementing its national cybersecurity strategy and engaging with international organizations demonstrates a commitment to strengthening its role in global cybersecurity cooperation.