Financial Crime World

Saudis Central Bank Discovers Massive Increase in Financial Fraud Cases: 4.84 Million Accounts Affected

Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) Logo

SAudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA), the Kingdom’s central bank, announced a significant increase in financial fraud cases in 2021. Below are the essential details and insights from the report.

Key Findings

  • Nearly 55% of all remotely opened accounts were opened without proper customer identification.
  • Over 4.84 million accounts were affected by this fraudulent activity.

Major Contributors to Financial Fraud

  • Weaknesses in process control systems (PCS) for better fraud detection.
  • Insufficient investment in artificial intelligence (AI) and customer behavior study for anti-fraud systems.
  • Negligible verification procedures for IBANs (International Bank Account Numbers) and beneficiary names.
  • Inadequate measures to trace funds and stop transfers outside the country.
  • Recording and tracking fraudulent activities with insufficient details.
  • Ineffective anti-financial fraud units due to a shortage of skilled personnel.
  • Lack of proper customer awareness programs.

SAMA’s Instructions to Curb Financial Fraud

  • Banks need to adhere to the central bank’s strategic objectives.
  • Comprehensive set of preventive measures to protect consumers.
  • Ensure stability and confidence within the banking sector.

SAMA’s Logo

Image Source: SAMA Website.

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