Financial Crime World

Security Tax in Honduras: A Law Under Fire


The Security Tax in Honduras was approved in 2011 as a means to fund security and defense efforts. However, its implementation has been met with controversy due to various concerns surrounding its financial burden, lack of clear objectives, and secrecy surrounding its management.

Key Points Surrounding the Security Tax

  • Financial Burden: The tax has generated significant controversy due to its financial impact on citizens.
  • Lack of Clear Objectives: Critics argue that the law lacks specific goals and outcomes, making it difficult to evaluate its effectiveness.
  • Secrecy in Management: There is a lack of transparency regarding how the tax funds are utilized.

The Role of the National Defense and Security Council (CNDS)

The CNDS oversees general policies on security, national defense, and intelligence. Its functions include:

  • Determining how tax funds are used
  • Coordinating police investigative units
  • Promoting laws related to judicial, criminal, security, and defense matters

Creation of the National Intelligence Law

In 2013, the National Intelligence Law created the National Intelligence and Investigation Directorate (DNII) to fulfill these functions.

Composition of the CNDS

The CNDS is composed of high-ranking officials from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. However, this has been criticized by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights for promoting power concentration in the executive branch.

This criticism highlights the need for a more balanced distribution of power among the different branches of government to ensure that the Security Tax is managed effectively and transparently.