Financial Crime World

IFRS for SMEs: A Simplified yet Effective Standard for Small and Medium-Sized Entities

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for Small and Medium-Sized Entities (SMEs) has revolutionized the financial reporting landscape for small and medium-sized businesses, providing a framework that is both simplified and effective. However, its adoption has also raised concerns about impaired comparability of financial statements and limitless choice of accounting policies.

Key Objectives

According to experts, financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS for SMEs should provide clear information on an entity’s:

  • Financial position
  • Performance
  • Cash flows

This information should be characterized by:

  • Intelligibility
  • Relevance
  • Reliability
  • Completeness
  • Timeliness
  • Balanced costs and benefits
  • Other characteristics

Benefits of IFRS for SMEs

An entity that prepares and presents financial statements in accordance with all the requirements of IFRS for SMEs provides a true insight into its financial position, performance, and cash flows. This compatibility is crucial for stakeholders, including: + Investors + Creditors + Regulators

Recent Amendments

A recent amendment to IFRS for SMEs has introduced significant changes to three sections:

  • Property, Plant and Equipment
  • Income Tax
  • Specialized Activities

These amendments aim to simplify the standard and bring it in line with full-scale standards.

History of IFRS for SMEs

The initial IFRS for SMEs, issued in 2009, was simplified by omitting subject matters irrelevant to small and medium-sized entities. Additionally, more than one option suggested by IAS/IFRS was replaced with a simpler option. The complex options were left out, including: + Proportional consolidation + Revaluation of plants, property and equipment + Government grants

Key Changes

The 2015 amendments have introduced significant changes, including the allowance for revaluation as a subsequent valuation method for property, plant and equipment. This change aims to harmonize IFRS for SMEs with full-scale standards.

Relationship between IFRS for SMEs and Full-Scale Standards

Experts believe that the relationship between IFRS for SMEs and full-scale standards is crucial. The goal of creating standards tailored to small and medium-sized entities was to simplify their application and presentation of information relevant to stakeholders.


In conclusion, IFRS for SMEs has been a vital tool for small and medium-sized entities, providing a framework for financial reporting that is both simplified and effective. While there are concerns about impaired comparability of financial statements and limitless choice of accounting policies, the standard’s ability to provide clear information on an entity’s financial position, performance, and cash flows remains crucial for stakeholders.


  • 2009: Initial IFRS for SMEs issued
  • 2015: Amendments introduced, including changes to Property, Plant and Equipment, Income Tax, and Specialized Activities
  • January 1st, 2017: Effective date of amendments

Key Changes

  • Simplification of subject matters irrelevant to small and medium-sized entities
  • Adoption of simpler options instead of complex ones
  • Introduction of revaluation as a subsequent valuation method for property, plant and equipment