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Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina


The Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between the European Union (EU) and Bosnia and Herzegovina is a comprehensive agreement aimed at deepening political, economic, and social ties between the two entities.

Key Aspects of the Agreement

  • Movement of Workers: Nationals of Bosnia and Herzegovina working legally in an EU country must be free from any form of discrimination compared to nationals of the country concerned.
  • Social Security Systems: Rules are laid down to coordinate social security systems for workers with nationality of Bosnia and Herzegovina legally employed in the territory of an EU country, and for members of their families legally resident there.
  • Companies: Companies based in one party will be allowed to set up operations on the territory of the other party under the same conditions as companies based in that territory.
  • Supply of Services: Both parties must take steps which progressively allow their companies or nationals to supply services in the territory of the other party.
  • Payment and Transfers: Any payments and transfers on the current account of balance of payments between the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina must be permitted in a freely convertible currency.
  • Alignment of Laws: Bosnia and Herzegovina agrees to ensure that its existing laws and future legislation will gradually be made compatible with the EU acquis and that such laws will be properly implemented and enforced.

Justice, Freedom, and Security

The SAA emphasizes the importance of justice, freedom, and security. It highlights areas of cooperation, including:

  • Independence of Judiciary: Independence of the judiciary, improvement of its efficiency and institutional capacity.
  • Visas and Border Management: Visas, border management, asylum and migration.
  • Preventing and Fighting Crime: Preventing and controlling illegal migration, readmission; preventing and fighting organised crime, corruption, terrorism and other illegal activities.

Cooperation and Financial Assistance

The EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina should establish close cooperation on a wide range of policy areas to help the development and growth potential of the country. This cooperation must strengthen existing economic links on the widest possible foundation, to the benefit of both Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU.

To help achieve the objectives of this agreement, Bosnia and Herzegovina may receive financial assistance from the EU in the form of grants and loans, including loans from the European Investment Bank. EU financial assistance is conditional on further progress in satisfying the Copenhagen criteria.

Implementation and Supervision

The agreement establishes a stabilisation and association council to supervise the application and implementation of the agreement.

Additional Resources

For further information, see: