Cybersecurity Resources: Combating Cyber Crime and Risk Management
This comprehensive collection of resources provides valuable information related to cybersecurity, risk management, and combating cybercrime. The following sections outline the key resources provided by various government agencies and organizations.
CISA’s Resources
Protecting Critical Infrastructure
- A dedicated page for protecting critical infrastructure from cyber threats.
Cyber Safety
- Guidance on how to stay safe online and protect against cyber threats.
Detection and Prevention
- Resources for detecting and preventing cyber threats.
Information Sharing
- Tools and resources for sharing information about cybersecurity threats and best practices.
CISA Insights
- In-depth analysis and insights into cybersecurity trends and threats.
Combating Cyber Crime
- A dedicated page for combating cybercrime, including guidance on reporting incidents and suspicious activity.
Cyber Essentials
- Best practices for securing your organization’s computer systems.
- Quick tips for staying safe online.
FBI Private Industry Notifications (PIN) and FLASH Reports
PIN Reports
- Current information to enhance awareness of potential cyber threats.
FLASH Reports
- Critical information collected by the FBI for use by specific private sector partners.
Reporting Suspicious Activity
- If you identify suspicious activity within your enterprise or have related information, please contact FBI CYWATCH immediately.
U.S. Cyber Command Malware Information Release
Malware Identification and Mitigation
- The Department of Defense’s cyber forces actively seek out DPRK malicious cyber activities, including DPRK malware that exploits financial institutions, conducts espionage, and enables malicious cyber activities against the U.S. and its partners.
Regular Malware Releases
- U.S. Cyber Command periodically releases malware information to help industry and government defend their infrastructure and networks.
U.S. Department of the Treasury Sanctions Information and Illicit Finance Advisories
- The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has published several FAQs relating to DPRK sanctions, cyber-related sanctions, and digital currency.
Contacting OFAC
- For questions or concerns related to OFAC sanctions regulations and requirements, please contact OFAC’s Compliance Hotline at 1-800-540-6322 or
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Advisories
North Korea’s Use of the International Financial System
- FinCEN has issued an advisory on North Korea’s use of the international financial system.
Reporting Cybercrime and Digital Currency-Related Activity
- FinCEN also issued specific advisories to financial institutions with suspicious activity reporting obligations that provide guidance on when and how to report cybercrime and/or digital currency-related criminal activity.
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Developed Cyber
Cybersecurity Resources for Financial Institutions
- A comprehensive collection of cybersecurity resources for financial institutions, including guidelines and best practices for securing computer systems.