Financial Crime World

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Assessment in Algeria



The Cell de Traitement des Renseignements Financiers (CTR F), Algeria’s Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), has conducted an assessment of the country’s vulnerability to money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF). This report outlines the key findings, areas for improvement, and recommendations to strengthen Algeria’s Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (AML/CFT) framework.

Areas of Vulnerability

The assessment has identified several high-risk sectors in Algeria:

Banking Sector

  • High risk: The banking sector is considered a high-risk area due to its size, market share, and diversity of services provided.
  • Recommendation: Enhance customer due diligence (CDD) measures for all financial institutions.

Post Sector

  • High risk: This sector is also at high risk due to its wide geographical spread and the services it provides.
  • Recommendation: Implement effective risk-based supervision to ensure that entities subject to their supervision are complying with AML/CFT regulations.

Notaries Sector

  • Medium risk: The notaries sector is exposed to medium risks because of the multiplicity of operations carried out through this sector.
  • Recommendation: Provide training and capacity-building programs for professionals in the FIU, supervisory authorities, and other relevant bodies.

Progress Made

Algeria has made significant progress in implementing AML/CFT measures:

Legislative and Regulatory Developments

  • Law No. 05-01 of 2005 on AML/CFT was adopted and published in the Official Gazette issue No. 11 on February 9, 2005.
  • Recommendation: Continue to review and update laws and regulations to ensure they remain effective.

Establishment of CTRF

  • The Executive Decree No. 02-127 of April 7, 2002, established CTRF as an independent financial intelligence cell at the Ministry of Finance (MOF).
  • Recommendation: Ensure that CTRF has sufficient resources and authority to effectively perform its functions.

Supervisory Controls

  • Supervisory authorities issued AML/CFT controls to entities subject to their supervision.
  • Recommendation: Enhance risk-based supervision to ensure compliance with AML/CFT regulations.

Areas for Improvement

There are still areas where improvements can be made:

Risk Assessment

  • Algeria has not yet completed the National Risk Assessment (NRA) process.
  • Recommendation: Develop a comprehensive NRA to identify and assess ML/TF risks in the country.

Training and Capacity Building

  • There is a need for training and capacity-building programs for professionals in the FIU, supervisory authorities, and other relevant bodies.
  • Recommendation: Provide regular training and capacity-building programs to ensure that professionals have the necessary skills and knowledge.

By implementing these recommendations, Algeria can further strengthen its AML/CFT framework and reduce the risks of ML/TF in the country.