Strengthening Administrative Capacity for Effective Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management in Solomon Islands
The Solomon Islands government has recognized the need to enhance its administrative, secretariat, and logistical capacities to effectively manage climate change and disaster risk financing. In a recent assessment report, it was highlighted that while development partners and donors have made significant contributions to addressing these issues, the government must take the lead in developing its capacity to access and manage funds.
Mainstreaming Gender and Social Inclusion
To achieve this, the government has committed to mainstreaming gender and social inclusion across all sectors, including the social sector where resources are often scarce for engaging women, youth, and other marginalized groups. The report recommends designating allocations within existing resources and new funding to support integration in the social sector.
Building on Existing Initiatives
The report emphasizes the need to build on existing initiatives and investments already made by non-governmental organizations and external partners. This includes:
- Designating allocations within existing resources and new funding to support integration in the social sector
- Establishing a database for community-level data and priorities, including traditional knowledge, to support provincial and national policy formulation
Action Plan for Climate Change Financing
The Solomon Islands’ efforts to improve access to climate change and disaster risk financing support from external sources are guided by an action plan, which includes key initiatives such as:
- Formulating a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) aligned with the country’s development strategy
- Developing national mainstreaming guidelines
- Establishing a Climate Change Finance Unit within the Ministry of Finance
Exploring Feasibility of National Climate Change Fund
The government is also encouraged to explore the feasibility of a national climate change fund and to develop specific provincial climate change policies or ordinances.
Effective Administration, Secretariat, and Logistical Support
The report highlights the importance of effective administration, secretariat, and logistical support in ensuring the successful implementation of these initiatives. It emphasizes that the government must prioritize the allocation of resources and funding to support these efforts.
Overall, the Solomon Islands’ commitment to strengthening its administrative, secretariat, and logistical capacities is a crucial step towards enhancing its ability to manage climate change and disaster risk financing effectively.