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Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Framework in Dominica
This report assesses Dominica’s compliance with international standards for AML/CFT and identifies areas for improvement.
Key Findings
Money Laundering (ML)
- Dominica has a sound legal framework to combat ML, but its implementation is limited.
- The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) conducts strategic analysis, but it does not reflect all higher-risk areas identified in the National Risk Assessment (NRA).
- ML investigations and prosecutions are reactive rather than proactive, and cases involving professional ML networks and complex ML are not being detected.
- Alternative measures like confiscation of cash are used extensively, but ML cases are not prioritized within the judicial system.
Confiscation of Proceeds
- Dominica has a sound legal framework for freezing, seizing, and confiscating instrumentalities and proceeds of crimes.
- The country has a declaration system for cross-border movements of cash or Bank Notes (BNIs), but it is not being effectively enforced.
Terrorist Financing (TF)
- Dominica has a strong legal framework to criminalize TF, but its NRA did not consider several TF vulnerabilities.
- Authorities in Dominica have not prosecuted any cases relating to TF during the period under review.
- The country lacks a national CFT policy that would continuously assess the TF threat and identify requirements for training and professional development of Competent Authorities (CAs).
- For the implementation of TFS-TF, Dominica has updated its legal framework required by UNSCR 1267 and 1373, but the Central Authority procedures do not accurately distinguish between what is required under the two UNSCR resolutions.
- Improve the effectiveness of ML investigations and prosecutions.
- Enhance the implementation of confiscation measures.
- Develop a national CFT policy that continuously assesses the TF threat and identifies requirements for training and professional development of CAs.
- Provide specific training to regulated entities on TF risks and vulnerabilities in Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs).
- Implement a targeted approach, outreach, or oversight of NPOs.
These recommendations aim to strengthen Dominica’s AML/CFT framework and enhance its effectiveness in combating ML and TF.