Financial Crime World

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Financial Crime Prevention Strategies in Sweden Take a Significant Leap Forward

In an effort to combat organized crime and financial fraud, the Swedish police authority and five major banks have joined forces to launch the Swedish Anti Money Laundering Initiative (SAMLIT). The pilot project aims to improve information sharing between law enforcement agencies and financial institutions to prevent money laundering, terrorism financing, and other types of economic crime.

Improved Information Sharing

According to Martin Johansson, senior advisor at SEB and leader of SAMLIT, “We now take the next step to make society better at fighting and preventing organized crime. For us, this means that we among other things get better insights into suspicious transaction patterns in our continued work against money laundering, terrorism financing, and other types of economic crime.”

Launch and Expansion

The initiative is expected to be fully launched in 2021, with more banks anticipated to join the scheme. The shared information will include methods, suspicious transaction patterns, and new types of crime that have been jointly identified.

Collaboration and Intelligence Sharing

“The intelligence service of the police knows the picture of organized crime and of the people making money from criminal activity, while the banks see financial flows and patterns,” said Linda H Staaf, head of the intelligence unit at the National Operations Department (NOA). “By sharing more information with each other we believe that crimes will be detected at an earlier stage but also that we to a larger extent will be able to prevent them from ever being committed. That’s how we want to fight money laundering and the financing of terrorism and combat organized crime.”

Nordic and European Cooperation

The collaboration is seen as a significant step forward in Sweden’s efforts to prevent financial crime, with the Swedish police authority and banks working together to share information and intelligence. The initiative builds on existing cooperation between Danske Bank, Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB, and Swedbank, which has led to joint recommendations for improving efforts to combat financial crime.

  • Improved Efficiency: The collaboration is expected to increase efficiency and proactivity in the fight against financial crime.
  • Better Possibilities for Information Sharing: The experience gathered in the pilot project will lead to even better possibilities to share information about suspicious activities between banks.

Commitment to Anti-Money Laundering Efforts

The initiative also highlights Sweden’s commitment to Nordic and European cooperation on anti-money laundering efforts. Danske Bank has been at the forefront of such initiatives, working with supervisory authorities and other banks across the Nordics and Europe to develop recommendations for improved AML frameworks.


As SAMLIT takes shape, it is clear that Sweden is taking a significant step forward in its fight against financial crime, demonstrating its commitment to collaboration and information sharing between law enforcement agencies and financial institutions.