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Slovak Republic Adopts New Measures to Combat Antisocial Activities

The Slovak government has introduced a new initiative aimed at preventing and combating crime, tackling the growing problem of antisocial activities in the country.

Regional Authority and District Commission for Crime Prevention

Two key bodies have been tasked with coordinating efforts to prevent and combat antisocial behavior: the Regional Authority and the District Commission. The Regional Authority will oversee the implementation of crime prevention strategies across the country, while the District Commission will focus on addressing specific issues in each region. Both bodies will work closely together to ensure a comprehensive approach to tackling antisocial activities.

Crime Prevention Strategy

The government has also announced plans to establish a new Crime Prevention Strategy for the period 2007-2010, which aims to provide a framework for crime prevention efforts across the country. The strategy was drawn up at an international conference on youth crime in Nitra last year and is expected to be implemented later this year.

Expert Insights

Experts believe that the introduction of these measures will go a long way in addressing the growing problem of antisocial activities in Slovakia. “Crime prevention is not just about law enforcement, it’s about working with communities and individuals to prevent crime from happening in the first place,” said Lubomíra Pecková, an expert on crime prevention.

Addressing Corruption

The government has also announced plans to establish a new resolution aimed at addressing the issue of corruption, which is seen as a major obstacle to effective crime prevention. The resolution aims to provide a framework for tackling corruption and ensuring that those responsible are held accountable.

International Cooperation

Slovakia has joined forces with other European countries to combat crime and promote community safety. The country has participated in several international forums on crime prevention, including the 1st Annual International Forum, where experts from across the world shared their experiences and best practices on crime prevention.


The government’s new measures are expected to receive a warm welcome from citizens who have been demanding action to address the growing problem of antisocial activities. The introduction of these measures is seen as a major step forward in the country’s efforts to promote community safety and prevent crime.


  • [1] Stratégia prevencie kriminality Slovenskej republiky (aktualizovaná na roky 2003 - 2006)
  • [2] BOC, K.: Plnenie úloh vyplývajúcich zo Strategie prevencie kriminality v Slovenskej republike pre ozbrojené sily. Zborník z odb ornej konferencie Prevencia kriminality a ozbrojené sily SR – model 2010.
  • [3] GAŠPIERIK, L.: Prevencia kriminality. (Vybrané prednášky z prevencie kriminality pre študentov bezpeč nostného manažmentu. Žilina: ŽU. Žilina,2003.
  • [4] Veľas, A.: Možnosti v rozvoji bezpe čnosti na miestnej úrovni. In: V ěda a krizové situace. Sborník př ednášek. Ostrava: VŠB – TU, 8.11.2005. ISBN 80-248-0944-3.

International Perspectives of Crime Prevention

[Contributions from the 1st Annual International Forum · Forum Verlag; Volume: 1 (15. July 2008)]

This article provides an overview of the international perspectives on crime prevention, highlighting best practices and experiences shared by experts from across the world. It also provides a comprehensive look at the measures being taken to address the growing problem of antisocial activities in Slovakia.