Financial Crime World

Challenges in Combating Organized Crime in the Central African Republic

The Central African Republic (CAR) faces numerous challenges in addressing organized crime, corruption, and insecurity. Despite relying heavily on international humanitarian aid and cooperation, the country’s capacity to tackle these issues is limited.

Security Sector: Addressing Capacity and Effectiveness

  • The CAR’s security sector lacks both the capacity and effectiveness needed to combat organized crime.
  • Corruption within the justice system is a significant problem, affecting magistrates, judges, and prison staff.
  • The country has not demonstrated a will or capability to combat organized crime.

Economic Environment: Confronting Money Laundering

  • Anti-money laundering measures have not been effectively implemented in the CAR.
  • The country’s porous borders make it susceptible to money laundering; foreign banks have identified numerous incidents of money laundering.
  • The customs system is unreliable, and businesses often bribe officials for tax exemptions.

Civil Society and Social Protection: Ensuring Support

  • Little support exists for victims and witnesses in the CAR.
  • Civil society organizations (CSOs) are weak and focused primarily on conflict-related issues rather than organized crime.
  • Corruption among CSOs affects donor confidence, hindering their effectiveness.