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Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) Report on Chinese Taipei


Chinese Taipei has submitted an AML/CTF report to the Asia-Pacific Group (APG), assessing its compliance with international standards. This report highlights key areas of improvement and notable achievements in the country’s fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.

National Co-ordination and Cooperation

Progress and Opportunities

  • National coordination and cooperation on AML/CFT issues have improved significantly since the last evaluation.
  • Policy-level coordination among Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) has improved, but there are opportunities for deeper cooperation at operational levels.

Financial Intelligence

Development and Use of Financial Intelligence

  • Competent authorities regularly develop and use financial intelligence to investigate predicate offenses, Money Laundering (ML), Terrorist Financing (TF), and asset tracing.
  • The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of Chinese Taipei, the Anti-Money Laundering Division (AMLD), has a well-developed analytical capability and produces good-quality financial intelligence.

Investigating and Prosecuting ML

Prioritization of Money Laundering Cases

  • Prior to 2017, ML cases were not prioritized; however, since then, reforms have improved the ML offense.
  • LEAs have developed financial investigation and prosecution capacity, but the number of ML prosecutions and convictions has been low.

Asset Recovery

Confiscation of Assets

  • Chinese Taipei pursues confiscation as a policy objective and has recovered approximately USD 457 million in assets since 2014.
  • Tax authorities have also recovered considerable funds using their powers.

Terrorist Financing

Investigation and Prosecution Capacity

  • TF risks are considered low, but authorities prioritize investigating TF cases alongside possible terrorism cases.
  • LEAs, prosecutors, the FIU, and security intelligence authorities have well-developed investigation capacity and standard operating procedures to respond to possible cases of TF.