Taiwan’s Secret Cyber War Against China: A Growing Threat?
As tensions between Taiwan and China continue to escalate, a quiet but crucial battle is unfolding in the cyber realm. While much attention has been focused on Chinese hacking campaigns, Taiwan’s own advanced cyber capabilities are quietly countering Beijing’s efforts.
Organizational Structures for Cyber Operations
According to public sources, Taiwan has developed organizational structures for offensive cyber operations over the past five years, with its Information Communication Electronic Force Command (ICEF) at the forefront. The ICEF is responsible for operating the national military network and keeping track of Taiwanese fighter jets and adversary-launched missiles.
Advanced Hacking Groups Operating Out of Taiwan
But what makes Taiwan’s cyber capabilities particularly noteworthy is the discovery by Antiy, a Chinese anti-virus software provider, of two advanced hacking groups operating out of Taiwan: Green Spot and Sapphire Mushroom. Both groups have been active since 2007 and 2011 respectively.
- Green Spot: Targets the Chinese government, military, and aviation sectors in their espionage operations.
- Sapphire Mushroom: Has been known to target not only traditional targets such as military institutions and finance sectors but also the Chinese nuclear industry.
Risks and Challenges
However, Taiwan faces significant risks in deploying its cyber capabilities against China, including:
- A lack of internet connectivity in the event of an invasion
- Vulnerable submarine cable landing stations and cables
To address these risks, Taipei is investing in projects such as the Pacific Light Cable Network and Apricot cable system. Additionally, the ICEF is working to develop ocean surveillance ships to protect cables and disrupt Chinese cyber groups before they can launch attacks.
Creation of a Backup Satellite Communications Network
Taiwan’s creation of a backup satellite communications network will provide redundancy if undersea cables are severed. This network will ensure that Taiwan remains connected even in the event of an attack on its submarine cables.
Experts’ Insights
While it remains unclear how China evaluates Taiwan’s cyber capabilities, experts believe that Taiwanese leaders believe additional offensive cyber operations will give the country a better capacity to respond to China’s ongoing gray zone campaign and provide warning of any potential escalation to armed conflict.
As tensions between Taiwan and China continue to escalate, the role of cybersecurity in this simmering conflict cannot be overstated. The success of Taiwan’s cyber war efforts could have far-reaching consequences for regional stability and global security.