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Trade Unions, Companies, NGOs, and More: Understanding the Various Entities in Tanzania

In a bid to provide clarity on the various entities operating in Tanzania, this article takes a closer look at the country’s trade unions, companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), societies, cooperative societies, trusts, and sports and social clubs.

Trade Unions

In Tanzania mainland, trade unions are governed by the Employment and Labour Relations Act, Cap. 366. The Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (TUCTA) is one of the leading trade union federations in the country. Another prominent trade union body is the Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers (TUICO), which represents workers across various sectors.

In Zanzibar, trade unions are governed by the Labour Relations Act. The Zanzibar Trade Union Congress (ZATUC) is a key player in the Zanzibari labour movement.

Companies and Partnerships

A company is a legal entity that brings together individuals or organizations with a common purpose. Examples of companies operating in Tanzania include:

  • Zanzibar Bottlers Limited
  • Bakhresa Food Products Limited
  • Kilombelo Sugar Company Limited

Companies are governed by the Companies Act, Cap. 212 in Tanzania mainland, while in Zanzibar, they are governed by the Companies Act No. 15 of 2013.

Partnerships, on the other hand, are arrangements between two or more natural persons to oversee business operations and share profits and liabilities. Partnerships are governed by the Partnership Agreements in both Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

An NGO is a non-profit voluntary group or institution with a social mission that operates independently from government. Examples of NGOs in Tanzania include:

  • HakiElimu
  • Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC)
  • Zanzibar Fighting Against Youth Challenges Organization (ZAFAYCO)

NGOs are governed by the NGOs Act, Cap. 56 in Tanzania mainland, while in Zanzibar, they are governed by the Societies Act No. 6 of 1995.


A society is a community of people or an organized group with common traditions, institutions, interests, beliefs, or affiliations. Examples of societies in Tanzania include:

  • The Association of People Living with Disabilities
  • Various religious denominations

Societies are governed by the Societies Act, Cap. 337 in Tanzania mainland, while in Zanzibar, they are governed by the Societies Act No. 6 of 1995.

Cooperative Societies

A cooperative society is an association or organization formed by people with common interests who voluntarily come together to promote their welfare. Examples of cooperative societies in Tanzania include:

  • Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) such as:
    • Cooperative Union of Zanzibar (CUZA)
    • Njombe Region Cooperative Union (NJORECU)
    • Western Tobacco Growers Cooperative Union (WETCU)

Cooperative societies are governed by the Cooperative Societies Act, Cap. 6 in Tanzania mainland, while in Zanzibar they are governed by the Cooperative Societies Act No. 4 of 1986.


A trust is a legal relationship created between a creator and trustees based on mutual understanding or by court order or operation of law. Some trusts own property and legal entities. Trusts are governed by the Trustees’ Incorporation Act, Cap 318 in Tanzania mainland, while in Zanzibar, certain types of non-charitable trusts are created and governed by the Waqf and Trust Commission Act No. 2 of 2007.

Sports and Social Clubs

A sports club is a group of people formed for the purpose of playing sports. Examples of sports clubs in Tanzania include:

  • Simba Sports Club
  • Young Africans Sports Club
  • Mlandege S.C.

A social club is a group of people or a place where people meet, usually around a common interest, occupation, or activity.


Understanding the various entities operating in Tanzania is crucial for effective governance and regulation. This article provides a comprehensive overview of trade unions, companies, NGOs, societies, cooperative societies, trusts, and sports and social clubs in the country.