Financial Crime World

Tanzania’s Law Review Commission Sets Sights on Sustainable Socio-Economic Development


The Law Review Commission of Tanzania (LRCT) has outlined its mission to reform and develop the country’s laws in line with the values enshrined in the constitution. The commission aims to achieve sustainable socio-economic development through law review, research, and legal awareness.

Mission and Objectives

The LRCT’s analysis shows that its current mission statement is strong in defining its purpose and distinguishing itself from other institutions. However, some experts have criticized the inclusion of unnecessary words, suggesting that the commission’s mandate is to abide by the constitution’s provisions when carrying out its functions.

Plans for Achieving Objectives

To achieve its objectives, the LRCT plans to conduct assessments of existing laws and structures to ensure they meet the requirements for implementing development plans. Over the next five years, the commission aims to:

  • Assess the implementation of 200 laws
  • Review 20 laws

The LRCT’s work is in line with Tanzania’s Development Vision 2025, which aims to achieve quality and good life for all, good governance, and a strong and resilient economy.

International Cooperation

The commission will also participate in regional and international legal forums to harmonize domestic laws with treaties, protocols, and agreements.

Implementing Directives from the Ruling Party’s Manifesto

The LRCT has been working to implement directives from the ruling party’s manifesto, including:

  • Strengthening the rule of law
  • Promoting economy through:
    • Tourism
    • Livestock
    • Fisheries
    • Environmental degradation prevention
  • Assessing legal frameworks governing:
    • Alternative sentencing
    • Tourism
    • Livestock
    • Fisheries
    • Environment
    • Investment

Addressing National Health Challenges

The LRCT is also committed to addressing national health challenges, including:

  • Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

The institution has implemented sensitization programs and voluntary testing to address these issues and provide supportive services to staff living with the diseases.


Overall, the Law Review Commission of Tanzania is poised to play a crucial role in promoting sustainable socio-economic development in the country.