Financial Crime World

Tanzania Launches Tender for Consultancy Services in Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Governance

The Government of Tanzania has launched a tender for consultancy services to support metropolitan governance and institutional reforms in Dar es Salaam. The assignment aims to conduct legal due diligence and documentation to support the adoption of three new institutions.

Objective and Scope of Work

The overall objective of the assignment is to carry out legal due diligence and documentation to support the adoption of:

  • Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Authority
  • Msimbazi Special Planning Area Authority
  • Inter-Municipal Solid Waste Management Authority

The consultant will be responsible for reviewing existing laws, regulations, studies, and plans for each institution. They will also propose options for legal setup and institutional roles and responsibilities, assist stakeholders in endorsing institutional options, draft cabinet papers, and provide technical assistance to support the establishment and rollout of each institution.

Requirements and Eligibility

Interested consulting firms must demonstrate that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services. The short-listing criteria include:

  • Type of core business
  • Relevant similar experience
  • Firm’s technical and managerial capability

Submission Guidelines

The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 10:00 hours local time. Applications should be delivered in person or by mail to the Secretary, Ministerial Tender Board, President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), CDA Road, Sokoine House, Wing A, Second Floor, Office of the Procurement Management Unit (PMU), Room No. 133, P.O. Box 1923, 41185 Dodoma, Tanzania.

Contact Information

For more information and detailed Terms of Reference (TOR), please visit or contact or

Note: The Permanent Secretary at PO-RALG has invited eligible consulting firms to indicate their interest in providing the services, which are expected to cover eligible payments under the contract for the Msimbazi Basin Development Project.